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Viceroy Hotel

 Viceroy Hotel Customers Overview

Location: Miami, FL
Building Type: Hotel & Multifamily
Guestrooms: 148
Gross Space: 638,650 sf
Year Built: 2009

Utility Savings - Realized

Utility Costs: 18%
Energy Use: 9%
Gas Rates: 30%

The extraordinary results enjoyed from Viceroy's collaboration with SOL VISTA have been recognized with local and national awards:

Though the Viceroy Hotel building was only four years old, its energy efficiency had been severely compromised by value engineering measures and insufficient commissioning upon completion. With utility costs prorated among the building co-occupants, capital expended for efficiency improvements by the hotel offered reduced utility costs for all building tenants, thus jeopardizing ROI for the hotel.

Despite this challenge, the team performed an energy and operational assessment and identified and implemented the following opportunities, which had large enough ROI numbers to overcome the proration penalty:

Contact us to discuss how we can improve your building and bottom-line performance.