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Customer Testimonials

Here is what some of our customers have to say about us.

"SOL VISTA helped cut utility costs at our hotel by nearly 50%"

"It would have taken a tremendous amount of staff time and resources to compile the information for LEED if we didn't have Skywalk"

- Ed Virtue, General Manager, Hotel Monaco - Washington DC

"SOL VISTA's Skywalk platform has helped drive impressive cost savings at Westin Gaslamp, and has kept the hotel as one of our top performers year-over-year."

- Diego Holst, Director of Engineering, Starwood Hotels & Resorts

"SOL VISTA's Skywalk platform helped us gain the TripAdvisor Green Partner Award, but more importantly, it has driven significant cost savings without sacrificing customer service."

- Nick Jette, VP of Asset Management, Chesapeake Lodging Trust

"Skywalk's hotel-focused analytics will be a valuable resource for our asset managers."

- Rob Tanenbaum, COO, DiamondRock Hospitality

"The Skywalk analytics save our team time and point them in the right direction to investigate and control situations before they become problems and create unwanted costs. It allows us to be proactive instead of reactive."

"The SOL VISTA Audit recommendations now save us 20% on electricity, 18% on water, and 13% on gas costs."

- Norbert Relecker, General Manager, Mondrian Hotel - Los Angeles

"SOL VISTA negotiated new contracts for electricity and natural gas that lowered our prices by 21% and 34%, respectively."

- Jeff Randall, VP of Asset Management, Doubletree Bethesda

"SOL VISTA served as the project managers for the modernization of all major energy systems at several of our hotels.  They performed superbly."

- Mike Flood, Regional Director of Engineering, Kimpton Hotels

"Tackling the calculations and paperwork required to acquire energy incentives would have taken more time and expertise than we had in-house. SOL VISTA took care of everything for us and secured $40,000 in the end."

- Modi Ahmed, General Manager, Hotel Helix, Washington D.C.

"SOL VISTA’s retrocommissioning led to 17% utility cost savings at our hotel."

- Dan Muncy, Regional Director of Engineering, Hotel Monaco - Seattle